ShopDoor Extracter Help-System v2.25 menu is accessed by pressing Alt-Space. All the other menus are accessed by pressing Alt-Z, where Z is the first letter of the menu. : For example, the "Options" menu is pulled down by Alt-O. ) Press ESC to put this help screen away. System Extracter (System) menu (Alt-Spacebar) The System menu appears on the far left of the menu bar and is represented by the symbol. ( When you pull down the menu, you see Info Info When you choose the Info command from the (System) menu, a dialog box appears, showing copyright and version information. G To close the box, press Esc, Space, or Enter, or click the OK button. Extracter (Alt-E) The Extracter menu offers choices for extracting database-files from TeleShop-programs to ShopDoor Database-Text-Files. It's possible to extract databases of the following TeleShop programs: . * The ShopDoor (our program) * TShop If you use a different TeleShop-program and you want to upgrade to 'The ShopDoor', please give us a copy of your old program and datafiles. We will create an extracter for it and add it to this Extracter-program. $ ShopDoor Database TShop Database Extracter ShopDoor Database Just select a ShopDoor-Database-file and let the program do his job... An example: You have selected a file 'DBF001.DBF', the program will generate a database-text-file called 'DBF001.CVT'. You can change this file to your needs now with your text-editor. Rename the file to 'DBF001.TXT' when you want to convert this file with your ShopManager. Extracter TShop Database Just select a TShop-Database-file and let the program do his job... An example: You have selected a file 'TSHOP.DBF', the program will generate a database-text-file called 'TSHOP.CVT'. You can change this file to your needs now with your text-editor. Rename the file to e.g. 'DBF001.TXT' when you want to convert this file with your ShopManager.